
Hong Kong Jewelry Accessories Exhibition Opening, Stainless Steel Lead Jewelry Fashion Trend

Hong Kong Jewelry Accessories Exhibition Opening, Stainless Steel Lead Jewelry Fashion Trend

When mentioned jewelry and accessories filed, most people have the impression that all non-gold silver expensive things, but on the 20th held in Hong Kong 16th June Asia's Fashion Jewellery & Accessories Fair, providing people with a more diverse styles, prices are relatively cheap alternative - stainless steel 

According to Hong Kong China News Agency reported that an exhibition of stainless steel jewelry company manager Wong Ting Yue introduction, stainless steel jewelry stainless steel as the main raw material enjoy good reputation of Europe and America Because of the relatively low price.In the Hong Kong market also occupy a certain proportion, good market prospects.

HUANG Ding Yue said that the stainless steel jewelry industry is mainly for the European market, which is to help overseas manufacturers processing jewelry. As Western traditional values​​, the Chinese mainland market focus more on preservation rather than design. He said that, because of this, the vast mainland market has not been developed, "Opportunities and challenges."

